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Today's Hours:
The library is open today from 9am - 9pm


Front of library

We provide the community with open access to the world of information and ideas, encouraging lifelong learning and personal growth in a welcoming environment.


  • The following policy, as specific to the Deerfield Public Library’s 3D Printer, establishes how this technology may be accessed and utilized by library patrons: 

Print Requirements

  • Patrons can only use filament supplied by the library. 3D prints of up to 50 grams are free. Larger 3D prints will be charged 10 cents per gram over 50 grams.
  • The 3D printer must be used only for lawful purposes. It may not be utilized to create a weapon of any kind or objects that:
    • Are prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
    • Are inappropriate for the library and public environment.
    • May cause harm, be unsafe, or pose an immediate danger or threat to oneself or the well-being of other community members.
    • Are subject to a legal copyright, patent, or trademark.
  • A DPL staff member shall review each object file before it is cleared for 3D printing, and the library retains the right to refuse or deny any 3D printing request.


  • Files are printed on a first come first served basis, and we cannot guarantee prints will be completed by any given date or time.


  • The Deerfield Public Library is not liable for injuries, property damage, or failure of function caused by objects or materials made through the utilization of our 3D printers.
  • Due to the nature of 3D printing, no file is guaranteed to print successfully, and minor flaws and imperfections can be expected, such as small cracks and warping at the bottom of the print.  The Library will not refund any prints with minor imperfections, but staff will do its best to notify patrons if a print is likely to have imperfections when they review the print file for approval. 
  • Since 3D printing is a visual process, complete and total patron privacy is not a possibility. However, the library will not offer or provide information about a 3D print requester to third parties.
  • The Deerfield Public Library is not responsible for 3D prints that are unsuccessful on our 3D printer. However, the library staff will  do our best to help in completing each 3D printing job successfully.

The above policy is subject to change or amendment through the Deerfield Public Library at any point in time.

Adopted by DPL Trustees: June 21, 2017
Approved November 16, 2022

The Library’s Public Bulletin Board, Display Space, and Information Distribution Spaces provide visitors with information about cultural, educational, civic and charitable activities and services in the area. The Library also provides limited space for promotional materials for local services and for general interest displays.

  • The Library cannot post advertisements of products or services offered by commercial organizations or individuals; requests for contribution; petitions; electioneering.
  • All displayed materials must be approved by a Library staff member. Placement and duration of display is at the discretion of Library staff.

The Library maintains a public bulletin board in the Library Lobby.

  • Organizations should submit posters or announcements at the Information Desk for posting.

The Library maintains a public display space in Youth Services.

  • Library staff coordinates with area schools and home schooled families to display children’s artwork throughout the school year.

The Library maintains two public information distribution spaces.

  • Adult Services: Service organizations, nonprofits, and government agencies serving area residents should submit materials for display and distribution at the Adult Services Desk.
  • Youth Services: Organizations providing social services, educational and recreational opportunities to children and families should submit materials for display and distribution to the Youth Services Desk.

REVISED April 2, 2015
Board approved April 15, 2015



The Deerfield Public Library’s mission is to provide its community with open access to the world of information and ideas, encouraging lifelong learning and personal growth in a welcoming environment. Our circulation policies aim to facilitate the mission by outlining guidelines for patron registration and use of library collections.


Patrons assume full responsibility for the return, damage, or fees for materials loaned under this policy and hold the Deerfield Public Library harmless of any materials.


RESIDENTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS OF INCORPORATED DEERFIELD are taxed for library service on their real estate tax bills. A Deerfield Library card can be obtained upon display of a valid government-issued photo identification card and proof of current address within incorporated Deerfield. Adult Deerfield resident and property owner library cards will not expire once the address is annually verified through a third party address verification service.
Acceptable proof of current address include:

  • Driver’s license
  • Current utility bill (i.e. gas, electric, insurance)
  • Current tax bill
  • Rental or lease agreement
  • Bank statement

Children under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian fill out the application form. The parent/legal guardian will be responsible for any material checked out on the child’s card, and assume full responsibility for the return, damage, or fees for materials loaned under this policy.

Nannies and Au Pairs who live with a family in incorporated Deerfield may receive a Deerfield Library card with a picture ID and a caregiving contract that includes proof of the living arrangements in Deerfield.

Temporary cards can be issued to extended-stay residents residing in hotels/motels that are in incorporated Deerfield (currently Residence Inn or Red Roof Inn). Residents must provide written proof from the hotel/motel of an extended stay of at least three months and a valid picture ID.

Teacher cards are issued to teachers who work in Deerfield School District 109 through an approved intergovernmental agreement. Teachers must show a valid picture ID and have prior approval from the school district. The Library reserves the right to limit services.

RESIDENTS OF RIVERWOODS, BANNOCKBURN OR UNINCORPORATED DEERFIELD are not taxed for this service, and may choose to purchase it. State law uses the high school district (District 113 for these areas) to determine the public library from which to obtain a library card. (Deerfield Public Library for most residents of these areas). Purchased card-holders are entitled to the same services as taxed card-holders.

The cost of library service for residents outside the boundaries of incorporated Deerfield is determined by the EAV (the equalized assessed value) multiplied by the current tax rate for library service for Deerfield taxpayers. The EAV of the resident’s home and property is approximately 1/3 the real estate value. The cost of library services will be calculated on all taxable parcels included in the non-resident property owner’s principal residence. Residents of Riverwoods, Bannockburn, or unincorporated Deerfield should present a current tax bill. A formula is used to determine the cost of library service.

Renewal of purchased library service:  By law, purchased cards expire each year and may be reissued in subsequent years. Purchased library cards show the expiration date on the back. Full privileges are given to all members in the household. Parents and legal guardians assume full responsibility for the return, damage, or fees for materials loaned under this policy for children under the age of 18. Cards may be used at almost any area library. Illinois State law provides that the annual fee for a non-resident renter is 15% of the renter’s monthly rent. For verification purposes, the renter shall provide to the Library a state photo ID along with a copy of the lease proving current residency in the Deerfield Public Library Non-Resident Service Area.

Payment for purchased library service may be made in cash, by check, or by credit card. Cards must be paid in full at the time of purchase. Additional cards for family members in the same residence may be obtained at no additional charge.

The Cards for Kids program is is for students in Pre-K through Grade 12 who live in Bannockburn, Riverwoods, and unincorporated Deerfield, that qualify for free or reduced priced meals (District 113 for these areas). Eligibility for the National School Lunch Program and the National School Breakfast Program is determined by Income Eligibility Guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Eligible students can register for a library card at no cost for one (1) Year. The library card is for the student only.

BUSINESS OR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS OF INCORPORATED DEERFIELD are taxed for library service on their real estate tax bills, and are therefore eligible for a library card. Additionally, business or commercial renters of incorporated Deerfield are eligible for a library card under the assumption that a portion of any rental payment is utilized by the landlord for the payment of property taxes. A Deerfield Public Library card can be obtained by a business upon proof of business ownership or commercial rental (i.e. the most current tax bill, a rental or lease agreement, professional license, etc.). Only one card will be issued per business. The business is responsible for any fees associated with, or damage done to Library materials checked out with its card. A business card will be issued for three years.

RECIPROCAL BORROWERS The Library extends reciprocal services to persons with a valid current library card from another town in Illinois. A current library card in good standing and a valid identification with the person’s current address must be presented to obtain reciprocal borrowing privileges. The Library reserves the right to limit services. Reciprocal Borrower registration expires after one year or at the time that the card expires at the patron’s home library—whichever comes first. Reciprocal borrower cards must be renewed with presentation of a current library card in good standing and valid identification with the person’s current address.


See Circulation Loan Chart

Effective December 1, 2020, Deerfield Public Library will no longer collect overdue fines.


Since the Library is no longer charging overdue fines, how will I be notified when my materials are due?

2 days before due: Courtesy notice will be received (email and text only).

2 days overdue: Notice sent.

7 days overdue: Notice sent.

14 days overdue: Notice sent.

21 days overdue: Notice sent and card is blocked. Until items are returned, patrons will be unable to place holds, check out any materials, including the digital collection, or use the MakerSpace.

28 days overdue: Billing Notice sent for full replacement cost of item(s).

Why is there a charge on my account?

While the Library no longer charges overdue fines, borrowers are still responsible for any damaged or lost items. Patron cards are blocked 21 days after an item is overdue. A bill is issued for the item at 28 days. Once the item is returned, the bill is removed from the account. A patron has 3 months to return a billed item. Returning an item after 3 months will not remove the charge from your account.

Can I get a refund if I find the items?

If items are found within 3 months of the billing date, we will waive replacement charges on those items. However, items are not refundable after replacement charges have already been paid.

Can I still be charged if I check out an item from a library that hasn’t gone fine free?

The lending library will determine charges for any lost or damaged item. Anything charged to the Deerfield Public Library by the lending library is passed on to the requesting patron. Overdue fines will not be assessed on materials from the lending library.

Why can’t I place holds?

There are a number of reasons as to why you may be unable to place a hold on an item. Those reasons include:

  • Your card has expired
  • There is a charge on your account of $10 or higher
  • One (or more) items are 21 days overdue
  • Item may not be holdable
  • You are a Reciprocal Borrower
  • You have reached the maximum number of holds

Why is my card blocked?

Your card may be blocked for a number of reasons. Those reasons include:

  • Your card has expired
  • There is a charge on your account of $10 or higher
  • One (or more) items 21 days overdue

How long do I have to return something?

A patron has 3 months from the billing date to return an item to the Library. 

Why didn’t my items automatically renew?

Your item may not renew automatically for a number of reasons. Those reasons include:

  • Your card has expired
  • The item has a hold
  • There is a charge on your account of $10 or higher
  • One or more items are 21 days overdue 
  • The item has already been renewed the maximum number of times
  • The type of item is ineligible for renewal (see below under ‘renewals’)


All eligible items will automatically renew up to two times. Items that are not eligible include any item on hold for another patron, Lucky Duck books, and items acquired through interlibrary loan. Digital items (e-books, e-audiobooks, streaming movies, and music) are not affected. If you choose to renew manually, the two-time limit still stands.


  • Deerfield cardholders: Reserves/holds may be placed in person at any service desk, by telephone, or by accessing the Library Catalog with a valid library card. Reserves/holds may be placed on any item except Lucky Ducks. Items will be held for seven days from the time the items become available. With the exception of Sundays, holds placed by 2:00 p.m. will be filled that day if the material is available. All other holds will be filled within 24 hours of availability. Patrons will receive confirmation when their hold has been retrieved from the shelf. Holds can only be checked out to the account of the person who has requested the item.
  • Reciprocal borrowers: Requests for on-shelf items may be placed in person at any service desk or by telephone. Reciprocal borrowers can request that an available item except Lucky Ducks, Library of Things (electronic devices, board games, Discovery kits, etc.), and magazines be held for no longer than three days. Reciprocal borrowers may not request LINKin or interlibrary loan items. (Reciprocal borrowers are required to register their library cards according to the registration policy in order to borrow materials.)


A borrower has up to 3 months from the billing date to search for misplaced items before being required to pay replacement fees. Replacement charges may be paid before the end of the 3 month period; however, no refunds will be granted for found items. The Library does not accept donations of like items as replacements for damaged or lost materials. Patrons may be charged for lost pieces of an item. If a Library of Things item is not returned when it is due, the Library reserves the right to disable it.


The Deerfield Public Library understands that books and media experience normal wear and tear as they are used. The Library balances normal wear and tear against damages that might make the public reluctant to use the material. Usability is one consideration; appearance is another.

These guidelines cover any material that the library checks out to the public.

Replacement fees for damaged materials will be charged when the condition of an item makes it unsuitable to be returned to the collection.

EXAMPLES OF NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR OR MINOR DAMAGE is to be expected as items circulate. This includes:

  • Book falling from spine, loose spine or loose pages
  • Frayed edges
  • Tears on spine
  • Magazine back cover or insert missing
  • Torn plastic covers
  • Paper dust jacket torn/marked/missing
  • Plastic jackets torn/marked/missing

EXAMPLES OF MAJOR DAMAGE that requires withdrawal of materials:

  • Animal teeth or claw marks
  • Liquid damage/stains
  • Pages stuck together
  • Extensive marking /comments
  • Pages marked/burned/missing/torn
  • Swollen/odoriferous
  • Mold/mildew 
  • Damage rendering the item unusable 


  • Materials that are missing the accompanying component when those items cannot be replaced. In this case a new item must be purchased, even though the remaining parts are not damaged.
  • Items that are missing accompanying instruction or informational booklets when those items cannot be replaced and the booklets are needed to maintain the value to the item.
  • Cords or components that render the item unusable.
  • The Library does not accept donations of like items as replacements for damaged items.


Patrons assume full responsibility for the return, damage, or fees for materials loaned under this policy and hold the Deerfield Public Library harmless of any materials.

See Other Circulation Fees chart


Items might have technical limitations or needs, such as a wifi or cellular connection. Deerfield Public Library is not responsible for any costs incurred while borrowers use library materials. Borrowers may not alter items or content on the items that they borrow.

The Library is not responsible for any loss of data that may occur due to malfunctioning hardware or software. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damage to Library users’ personal devices or equipment. Tampering with Library equipment or attempting to modify the equipment or their settings is prohibited.


The Deerfield Public Library circulates select materials through the LINKin consortium of libraries. This includes sending materials to other libraries, as well as receiving materials from other libraries. The Library determines what materials are available to be sent via the LINKin system. The Library will only send materials that are at least six months old.


  • A patron must have a current, valid Deerfield Public Library card with accumulated charges of no more than $10.00 on the card.
  • The LINKin consortium limits patrons to 25 items total at any time.  This includes materials checked out, on hold and in transit back to the owning library.
  • The Deerfield Public Library lends print books, audio books, DVDs, Blu-rays, music CDs and Playaways through the LINKin system.


See LINKin/Interlibrary Loan Circulation Chart


The Library provides Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service to Deerfield Public Library cardholders when materials cannot be obtained from the Library collection or the LINKin consortium.


Materials requested through ILL may take 1-3 weeks from the time the request was submitted to the date it arrives at the Library. Items in high demand and those requested from outside of Illinois may take longer.

Many university libraries and libraries outside of Illinois charge a lending fee. Every effort will be made to obtain requested items at no cost. In the event an item cannot be obtained for free, the patron will be notified of the option to pay the lending fee.

All ILL items borrowed through the Deerfield Public Library must be returned to the Deerfield Public Library.

  • The library will only request materials that are at least six months old.
  • The Library will only request materials within the 48 contiguous states.
  • The Library will not request video games, periodicals, reference materials or computer software.
  • The Library will not request multiple copies of the same title for the same person.
  • DVDs and CDs will be requested from Illinois public libraries only.
  • A limit of 10 items can be in process and checked out per patron at any given time.


See LINKin/Interlibrary Loan Circulation Chart


The Library provides ILL service as a lender to other libraries within the 48 contiguous states.

  • Time will be added to the checkout period to account for delivery.
  • DVDs, CDs and Playaways are loaned only to Illinois Public Libraries.
  • The Library will not lend video games, board games, periodicals, reference materials, Library of Things, or discovery kits.
  • The Library will only lend materials that are at least six months old and not designated as new materials.

21-day Loan:

  • Books
  • Audio Books and Playaways
  • Music CDs
  • DVDs and Blu-rays
  • Binge Boxes


  • The borrowing library may request a renewal through WorldShare or by contacting ILL staff. Renewals will not be granted if a Deerfield Public Library patron has placed a hold on the item. The Library has the right to recall items at any time.


  • The library does not charge a fee to lend materials.
  • There is no charge for photocopy requests of 25 pages or less.
  • A fee of 10 cents will be charged for each page over 25.
  • A fee of 25 cents per page will be charged for color copies.
  • The Library will determine fees for lost or damaged items.

Approved July 21, 2021
Updated May 18, 2022
Updated August 21, 2024

Deerfield Public Library
Collection Development Policy 


As a source of open access to the world of information and ideas, the Deerfield Public Library collects, organizes, and lends print and non-print materials as well as electronic resources that encourage lifelong learning and personal growth. The materials collection is a major asset of the Deerfield Public Library. Within budget, the Library provides a general collection of reliable materials that includes both basic works of permanent value and materials of current interest. The selection of library materials and electronic resources is based on the needs of those we serve and reflects the Library’s core role as a popular materials library for all ages.

The Library maintains a diverse and equitable collection that supports varied viewpoints, represents a wide array of cultures and experiences, and allows for all members of the community to feel included and represented. The Library upholds the democratic principles expressed in the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements (See Appendix I).

The Library Board delegates responsibility for selection of the Library’s collection to the Library Director. Under the guidance of the Library Director, Library staff members with at least a Masters’ level education in Library Science or equivalent experience select new materials and make decisions regarding material retention in accordance with the following policy.

Materials Selection

The Deerfield Public Library collects materials in a variety of formats (print, audiovisual, physical and digital) which are of permanent value, of contemporary significance, or of special interest to the community.

Selection is a critical and interpretive process. Materials are selected on the basis of their content and the quality of the work as a whole. Professional or otherwise credentialed reviews are the principal tool used in the selection of library materials. Staff members selecting library materials are also assisted by bibliographic review publications, authoritative discussions of the subject, publisher and vendor advertising and demonstrations, and requests of Library patrons.

In selecting materials for the Deerfield Public Library, the following criteria will be used as they apply:

  • Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment
  • Artistic presentation
  • Relevance to current and anticipated community needs, as well as long-term significance or interest
  • Authority, competence, reputation, and purpose of the author and/or publisher
  • Currency and accuracy of the information
  • Local significance of the author or topic
  • The work’s reflection of diverse viewpoints and inclusive experiences
  • The cost of the item

The Library seeks to meet the needs of the total community, recognizing that some materials may be considered controversial to some patrons. It is the responsibility of individual library users to choose materials which suit their tastes and needs. Therefore, the Library’s collection will represent the broad scope of materials available. Selection of materialswill not be inhibited by the possibility that such materials may be accessible to minors. Decisions relating to a minor’s choice of materials are ultimately the responsibility of the minor’s parent or legal guardian.


In cases where there is sufficient community interest or item availability, designated selectors may purchase replacement copies of lost, worn, or damaged items. A replacement copy will contain the same intellectual content but may not be the same edition or format as the original.

Gifts and Donations

Gifts to the collection can be made in the form of money or actual materials. Gifts of books and other materials may be accepted by the Library with the understanding that they will be considered for addition to the collection in accordance with the Materials Selection section of this policy. Donations must be outright and unconditional. Gift plates and letters of acknowledgement are appropriate stipulations by a donor, but other requirements may not be honored. All gifts that become part of the general collection are subject to the Materials Retention section of this policy, and the designated selectors will determine appropriate circulation procedures. The Library reserves the right to sell or otherwise dispose of gift materials not added to the collection.

Reconsideration of Materials

The selection of materials is predicated on the Library user’s right to access materials and the Library user’s freedom from censorship by others. Selections are made based on the merits of the work in relation to the fulfillment of the Library mission and the materials selection portion of this policy. The addition of an item to the collection in no way represents an endorsement by the Library of any theory, idea, or policy contained in it.

The Library recognizes that some materials address issues that some individuals may find controversial. No item, however, will be removed from the collection for the sole reason that the philosophy, perspective, ideas, or views contained in the item is opposed by the individual requesting reconsideration.

A Deerfield resident or Deerfield Public Library cardholder may request reconsideration of any material as follows:

Discussion with the manager of the department in which the material is located
If not satisfied, discussion with the Library Director, and,
If not satisfied, completion of a Request for Reconsideration which will be given to the Library Board of Trustees (see Appendix II for form)
The Board of Trustees will make a ruling on whether the material in question will be retained, relocated, or removed and the patron requesting reconsideration will be notified as to the decision within a reasonable amount of time. The material in question will remain in the collection pending the decision of the Library Board of Trustees. The decision on reconsideration of a specific resource will remain in effect for three years.

Retention of Collections

In order to retain relevant and reliable collections, in the space available, librarians must regularly evaluate and withdraw materials. Materials are withdrawn when they are no longer of value to the community using criteria that include, but are not limited to, lack of interest, poor condition, unnecessary duplication, or inaccurate or outdated information. Withdrawn materials are saved for Friends or Library book sales, donated to other institutions, or discarded. The Library does not make arrangements to sell or give withdrawn materials directly to specific patrons.

Local History Collection

The purpose of the Local History Collection is to preserve materials that document the history of Deerfield, and to make these materials available to researchers and the general public. The major emphasis of the collection is information pertaining to Deerfield. Secondary emphasis is placed on information concerning the history of surrounding areas.

Works are collected if the work is relevant to the study of the history and culture of Deerfield and/or the surrounding areas.

Books and papers originally owned and used by local residents are not added to the collection unless the items contain local information that is otherwise unavailable or hold great historical significance to the community.

Local Authors’ Works

Local authors are defined as writers who currently reside or have spent a significant part of their lives in Deerfield or the adjacent towns. Pending evaluation, the Library may accept one donated copy of a local author’s work and place it in the Local Author section if it is an Adult book or in the appropriate Youth or Teen collection, if it is a Youth or Teen book. All donated works are subject to the same criteria for removal as other materials. Items requested by the author to be purchased by the Library are subject to the same collection development criteria as any other work. If an item is considered relevant to local history, it may be placed with the Local History Collection instead of the Local Author Collection.

Self-Published Titles

Self-published titles that are not included in the Local Author or Local History categories are held to the same criteria as any other work the Library evaluates for the collection.

Revised: November 19, 2019
Updated: May 18, 2022
Updated:  August 24, 2023

Appendix I: Library Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements

Appendix II: Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form

Deerfield Public Library
Computer and Internet Use Policy 

The Deerfield Public Library provides free access to the Internet and select software  applications to the public via public computer workstations, laptop computers and wireless internet. 

The Library offers public computers in various locations: 

  • Adult Computer Lab – workstations are available for use by all ages and patrons  are allotted at least 120 minutes and up to 150 minutes for each session. 
  • Youth Computer Lab – workstations are available for users aged 18 and younger and patrons are allotted at least 120 minutes and up to 150 minutes for each session. 
  • Express Computers – are available for use by all ages and patrons are allotted 15  minutes for each session. 
  • Laptops – are available for patron use. The borrower must present either: A) a government issued ID;  B) a valid School ID or C.) Deerfield Public Library Card. The identification card will be held at the Computer Desk until the laptop is returned to Library staff. 

Computer and Laptop Use 

  • Computers are available on a first-come-first-served basis to all patrons holding a valid library card or guest pass. Laptops are available with identification as defined above.
  • Laptops must be returned to the computer desk in person. The borrower must return the laptop along with accessories to the desk at the end of the checkout period. A patron’s privilege to check out a laptop may be suspended if the patron fails to return loaned equipment by the time due. Laptops not returned by library closing time will be considered stolen and will be reported to the Police Department.
  • Adult patrons may only use the public workstations in Youth Services while  working with a child.
  • Patrons cannot view obscene content, nor can they use the public work stations for illegal or criminal purposes. 
  • All computers will logout after 10 minutes of inactivity and 10 minutes before the library closes. 
  • Laptops must be returned 30 minutes before closing.

Appropriate Use 

Users of all Library computers and wireless internet are responsible for conducting themselves in a legal and responsible manner. 

Examples of illegal use include, but are not limited to: 

  • Violating an existing State or Federal law 
  • Attempting unauthorized access to any computer systems inside or outside the  network 
  • Unlawful communications, such as child pornography and threats of violence
  • Intentional distribution of malicious computer software including viruses and  malware 

Computer users shall not interfere or attempt to interrupt internet services or other users. In addition, users should not attempt to obtain or disclose private/personal information of another user.

Each device is configured with a specific operating system and suite of applications. No additional software may be installed or downloaded. 

Audio or video files must be played with headphones.

Under no circumstances should a borrower leave a laptop unattended. The Library will not be responsible for a lost or stolen laptop even when it is used in the Library. It is the borrower’s full responsibility and fiscal liability for all costs associated with damage to the laptop or its associated peripheral equipment during the period it is checked out, or its replacement costs should it be damaged, lost or stolen. The Library’s IT Department will assess laptop issues and charge the user accordingly.

Any patron found to be misusing any Library computer or wireless internet will be asked to refrain immediately. Failure to comply may result in loss of computer privileges. No filtering (blocking software) is used on library computers.

Privacy and Security 

The Deerfield Public Library does not collect or maintain records that could compromise the privacy of computer users. Electronic communication by its nature though may not be secure and users should not assume any level of privacy while using this service. Each user should exercise caution when accessing the internet and transmitting and/or receiving data. 

The Library strives to provide safe internet access for the public by implementing new  technologies and best practices such as “client isolation” which prevents connected devices from communicating with each other. We cannot however guarantee any level of security for our users. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages that might occur to patron hardware, software, or personal data while connected to the wireless network. 

Policy Enforcement 

Any user who is found to be in violation of this policy is considered in violation of the Patron Behavior Policy and use of other Library resources may be suspended for a specific time period. Users who perform illegal activities while connected to the wireless network may also be subject to prosecution from the appropriate authorities. 

Service to Minors

The Deerfield Public Library does not filter or block internet content on any Library computers or our wireless network. It is the responsibility of parents or caregivers to monitor internet behavior of users who are minors. 


The Library is not responsible for any damage to users’ personal devices, removable drives (i.e. CD or flash drive), software, files, and/or equipment or loss of data that may occur due to malfunctioning hardware or software. Tampering with Library equipment or attempting to access or modify the operating system or any other software or programming, including bypassing security functions is prohibited. 

The Library is not responsible for any computer viruses that may be transferred to or from user storage devices. The Library laptops are using current anti-virus software, but cannot guarantee protection against all viruses. The Library does not assume responsibility for lost or corrupted files for any reason, such as hardware failure or network interruptions. Users wishing to save files they have created must back them up to USB drives or personal internet based accounts. All created files will be wiped clean after a session ends by software that is in use on the laptop. 

Approved April 15, 2015
Revised August 24, 2023

We welcome your gifts! 

Thank you for thinking of the Deerfield Public Library. We at the Deerfield Public Library  welcome monetary gifts to purchase library materials and also accept donated used  books and non-book materials in good condition. Our professional staff evaluates gifts  using the same criteria they use for purchased materials. 

Cash Donations 

If you or your company wishes to donate money, the Library suggests unrestricted gifts,  and we will use the donation at the discretion of the Director. 

In the case of restricted gifts, an agreement of understanding will be filed between the  donor and the Library for what purposes the gift can be used. After such an agreement  is made, the donor is generally not contacted and will have no further input into the  disposition of the gift. 

A key element in receiving any gift is that the librarians are responsible for the selection  and withdrawal of library materials in their areas of specialization subject to the  Director’s approval. (See Deerfield Public Library Materials Selection  Policy.) The Library reserves the right of final selection in order to meet the needs of  space, building design and utilization plus the criteria of the Materials Selection Policy. 

The Library cannot commit itself to a perpetual fund. When all currently held funds are  expended, that fund will be dissolved. If donors wish a fund to continue in perpetuity, the  donors should set up a fund of their own as a separate foundation. 

Please make your check payable to the Deerfield Public Library and direct it to the  Administrative Librarian. The Director will send a letter of thanks to both  you the giver and the person or family for whom you donated the gift. 

Gifts in Remembrance 

If you wish to have us purchase a book in honor or in memory of a person or a special  occasion, bring your check to the Library and ask a librarian to prepare a gift form. We  will also handle this by telephone if you mail your check. You may request the subject  

area in which you want us to purchase and a professional librarian will select material  suitable for our collection. The Director will send a letter of thanks to  both you the giver and the person or family for whom you donated the gift. When we  add the book to the collection, we will affix a special bookplate to the inside cover. 

Donation of Materials

We will accept donated materials at the Circulation Desk. Once materials are accepted  they become the property of the Deerfield Public Library and subject to applicable  Library policies. We prefer to receive current materials in very good condition. We  cannot use textbooks or encyclopedias. New bestsellers are especially useful. We  reserve the right to 1) add the donated materials to the collection, 2) put them on the  book sale shelf or sell at a Library-sponsored book sale, or 3) refer them to other book  donation programs. Professional librarians add or withdraw materials based on the  Materials Selection Policy. The Library does not shelve, house, or catalog donated  materials separately; the materials accepted will be shelved in the appropriate general  collections. 

Valuation of Non-Monetary Donations 

Upon request, the Library will be happy to provide written acknowledgement of your gift,  but the staff does not appraise or provide valuations of gifts for tax deduction or other  purposes. The establishment of the gift’s value is the responsibility of the donor. 

We appreciate you thinking of us!

The MakerSpace is a multifunctional space designed to help the Deerfield community learn, create, collaborate, and have fun with technology. We will provide everyone with equal access to materials and resources that encourage learning in a welcoming environment.

The MakerSpace is open to all patrons of the library. Patrons can reserve equipment ahead of time by contacting MakerSpace staff or using our online form. Equipment and services are available to all patrons on a walk-in basis, subject to availability. Priority is given to patrons who reserve equipment ahead of time.

There is no charge to use MakerSpace equipment or the space. Patrons can use up to $5 of materials/day for free with a limit of two visits/week. For a full list of materials and equipment see our MakerSpace Materials Supply List.

  • The Deerfield Public Library MakerSpace is open to all patrons ages 12 and up. Patrons 11 years and younger must be accompanied by and directly supervised at all times by an adult patron. Exceptions may be made to these age guidelines for collaborative cross-departmental programs.
  • Users of the MakerSpace must adhere to Deerfield Public Library patron policies. The Library reserves the right to terminate the MakerSpace privileges of any person in violation of these policies.
  • No open toed shoes or clothing that poses a safety risk.
  • MakerSpace equipment can not be used for mass production and resale of products. Items made in the MakerSpace are not to be used for profit/resale.
  • Issues, accidents, or injuries must be reported immediately to Makerspace staff.
  • Availability: The MakerSpace is available to Deerfield Public Library patrons during posted MakerSpace hours. MakerSpace hours are subject to change. Library-sponsored activities, classes, and programs have priority use of the MakerSpace.
  • The Makerspace is not available for group reservations, or to reserve like a meeting room.
  • No food allowed. All drinks must be in lidded cups or bottles.
  • Please clean up after completing your projects.
  • The Deerfield Public Library MakerSpace is free to use. While we have some materials to learn and practice on, we encourage you to bring in your own materials to create your projects.
  • MakerSpace staff are not available at the request of the patron. MakerSpace staff are not available to make projects on demand for patrons.
  • Prior to using the MakerSpace tools or equipment, projects must be reviewed and approved by a staff member. Users may bring in their own materials for use with library equipment provided they are preapproved by staff.
  • MakerSpace laptops are for MakerSpace projects only.
  • We accept 3D print requests by email on our 3D Printing page. There is a maximum of two prints per household per week. Wait times will vary and we do not print on demand. Once 3D prints are completed, patrons will be contacted, and the item requested will be available for pick-up on our hold shelves.
  • Use of some equipment and tools requires staff assistance to operate.
  • Projects and/or items to be created must be completed during the MakerSpace hours. Requests to create projects and/or items that have a completion time within the final 30 minutes of library closing time may be postponed at staff discretion.The Library cannot guarantee quality of:
    ○ materials
    ○ patron satisfaction
    ○ equipment availability or stability
    ○ confidentiality of design, or specific delivery times
  • Users are responsible for the storage of their digital files and must provide their own storage devices as needed. The Library is not responsible for data lost during the creation or digitization process.
  • The Library and MakerSpace Staff are not responsible for:○ damage to a project
    ○ if a project does not print correctly
    ○ if a project does not work
    ○ or if a user’s personal equipment is damaged or destroyed while using any of the
    Library’s machines or tools.
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse any project and/or item creation request.
  • Equipment may not be used to produce the following:
    ○ Content or objects prohibited by federal, state, or local law.
    ○ Weapons or look-alike weapons.
    ○ Objects or materials that would be considered obscene or inappropriate for the
    Library environment.
    ○ Any violation of Intellectual Property Rights is the sole responsibility of the
    patron. Patrons shall hold the Deerfield Public Library harmless in all matters
    related to patented, trademarked, or copyrighted materials.

Approved November 16, 2022
Revised August 21, 2024

Deerfield Public Library
Meeting Room Policy 

In keeping with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Deerfield Public Library makes its meeting rooms available as “designated and limited forums” for meetings and programs conducted by not-for-profit groups on subjects of educational, civic or cultural interest.   

Meeting rooms are available free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use, and regardless of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, disability, or other protected status.

Programs, classes or other activities presented by the Library take precedence over non-Library use of the meeting rooms. 


Meeting rooms are available for non-profit community, civic, cultural, educational organizations whose members are from Deerfield – including local governmental agencies, organizations and elected officials. 

Although civic organizations, including political organizations, may be eligible to use a meeting room, political rallies are prohibited.  

The person representing the non-profit community civic, cultural, educational or governmental organization in the application process must:

  • be at least 18 years of age and in attendance at the meeting.
  • be a Deerfield Public Library cardholder. Exceptions: Tax-supported agencies (government, education, social services).
  • sign an agreement to be responsible for the use of the room.  

Meeting rooms are not available for

  • commercial use, including non-Library sponsored seminars, workshops and lectures presented by members of private, for-profit law firms, financial advisors, real-estate agencies, health care providers, or others, including dance and music teachers for non-Library sponsored recitals or for private tutoring sessions; 
  • social gatherings, private events or fund-raising activities.  

All meetings must be free and open to the public.

The Library Director makes the final decisions regarding eligibility.


  • Groups and individuals may not schedule meeting rooms less than seven (7) days in advance and beyond 60 days in advance. The Library is unable to accept reservations for a series of meetings which would designate the Library as a regular meeting place for any organization. This includes reservations for consecutive daily meetings.

Hours of Availability

  • Meetings may start no sooner than one half hour after the Library opens and must end no later than 15 minutes before the Library closes. Rooms must be completely vacated 15 minutes before closing. When scheduling a meeting room, time for set up and clean up must be included in the reserved time period.


  • Please be sure to request all room set-up arrangements and equipment at time of application. Although we always try to be flexible, Library staff may not be available to rearrange the room or set up equipment at time of the meeting. Please note, the Library is unable to provide technical setup or support on Sundays. 
  • Library staff are not available to assist any group to carry supplies to and from the meeting rooms. 
  • We ask that you clean up after yourselves and leave the meeting room in the same condition as you found it. The Library reserves the right to charge the group if additional cleaning or repairs are needed.
  • Please refrain from taping anything to the meeting room walls and using craft supplies like glitter, glue or paint without prior approval.


  • Groups may serve simple snacks (pantry items only).
  • Coffee or tea must be in ready-to-serve containers. No electric pots allowed.  
  • All drinks must be in lidded cups or bottles.

Meeting Room Equipment

  • A full list of available equipment is on the Application Form. Wi-Fi is available throughout the Library.
  • The Library does not supply computers, nor can Library staff be responsible for setting up and synching up Power Point or similar presentations.  
  • The Library is unable to provide storage of supplies before or after the meeting or between sessions.


  • Any publicity or announcements including email blasts, e-invites and other electronic communication promoting a meeting being held in the Library must contain the following disclaimer:  The Deerfield Public Library provides meeting space as a community service.  Neither the Library nor the Board sponsors or endorses these events or the presenting individuals or organizations. There must be no implication that the Library sponsors the organization or endorses its activities, or the viewpoints expressed by participants.
  • Signs must be displayed only inside the meeting room and handouts are to be distributed only inside the meeting room.
  • The name, mailing address, website, telephone, URL or email address of the Deerfield Public Library cannot be used by the organization for correspondence or conducting business of any kind. Any packages received at this address will be returned as “Addressee unknown.”
  • Permission to use Library meeting rooms does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the Library of an organization, its activities, or the viewpoints expressed by the meeting presenters or participants. 


  • Users of the Meeting Rooms are expected to conform with all Deerfield Public Library Patron Policies concerning excessive noise and maintain orderly conduct before, during, and after the meeting.  
  • No collection of money including memberships, admission fees, donations, sales, or fundraising may take place during the meeting or in the Library before or after the meeting.  
  • Groups holding meetings for children, or with many children present such as Scout meetings, must provide adequate supervision.
  • In accordance with the Library’s Unattended Children Policy, adults attending meetings may not leave children eight years of age and younger unattended. Children must be accompanied and directly supervised by a responsible caregiver who assumes full accountability for the children’s safety and behavior in the Library.


  • There is no charge for the use of the Library’s meeting rooms, except that the Library may charge the Applicant for costs related to security and related services to protect the safety of the Library and staff, patrons, and others where the Library Director determines that such additional services are necessary. The determination of the scope of security or other services needed and the selection of the services provider is in the sole discretion of the Library Director.
  • Applicants may also be asked to provide proof of adequate insurance (naming the Library as an additional insured) and/or a security plan when deemed necessary or appropriate by the Library Director in the Director’s sole discretion. Failure or refusal to comply with any request of the Library Director or staff prior to or during a reservation may result in cancellation of the reservation or suspension of Meeting Room privileges.
  • Only requests at least seven (7) days in advance of requested dates will be processed.
  • No reservations can be processed without an APPLICATION FORM on file. The application can be accessed on the Library’s website (, and click on “Study and Meeting Rooms”. Submission instructions are on the application.) 
  • No group may transfer a reservation to another group.
  • Applications are reviewed and notice of approval or denial is usually given within three (3) business days of receipt of a completed application, including provision of insurance, a security plan, and security fee, where required by the Library Director. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee approval or use of the room. Library personnel will do everything possible to facilitate the application process, but no event will go on the calendar until a completed application form is approved and on file.  
  • Notify the Library of cancellations at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. If the Library is not notified, there will be a $50 fee added to the account of the DPL cardholder that made the reservation.
  • The Library reserves the right to cancel the use of the meeting room and cannot be responsible for cancellations due to weather, loss of power, or other conditions. 
  • The Library reserves the right to waive application requirements.


  • The Library reserves the right to approve meeting room eligibility, assess or waive fees, and cancel or reschedule meetings without cause, reason, or liability. Programs, classes or other activities presented by the Library take precedence over non-Library use of the meeting rooms. 
  • An organization’s failure to abide by the rules regulating the use of the Library’s meeting rooms or the Deerfield Public Library Patron Policy may result in cancellation or refusal of future reservations.


  • The organization agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Deerfield Public Library and its Board of Trustees for any and all liability arising from use of premises.
  • The organization’s representative agrees to pay for all damages and losses associated with the meeting as regards the Library building, contents, and equipment.  
  • The Library is not responsible for the equipment, materials or personal possessions of anyone attending the meeting.


  • The Deerfield Public Library is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for patrons with physical, learning, mental health and/or other types of disabilities. Accommodations for patrons with disabilities shall be made in consultation with Library Staff. 

Approved October 17, 2018
Revised August 24, 2023
Revised October 16, 2024

The Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees (the Board) offers naming rights for new and existing physical assets. This includes rooms, spaces, substantial equipment/furniture installations, and landscaping features. The Board shall have sole discretion to make any and all decisions regarding whether to accept funds for naming rights. Should the Board decide to accept funds for naming rights, the Board shall also have sole discretion as to all decisions regarding how said naming rights are implemented.

Corporations are not eligible for naming rights. Accepted donations of $10,000 to $49,999 carry naming rights for 10 years. Accepted donations from $50,000 to $100,000 carry naming rights for 20 years. Naming rights for any accepted donations over $100,000 will be determined through a consultation with the Board. The donor has the right of first refusal at the time of renewal.

A plaque will be installed at or near the named area. The Board reserves the right to choose the wording, size, location, and style of the plaque. An appropriate dedication ceremony may be planned and conducted. The Board reserves the right to remove any and all naming at the Library, without refund, if the Board determines, in its sole discretion, that good cause exists to do so.

The Board may approve other naming recognition items and values on a case-by-case basis.

Approved and adopted by the Board
October 21, 2015

This program will include a component of physical movement, exercise, or similar activity. You are welcome to attend this program without participating in any of the physical activities demonstrated.

If you choose to participate (rather than observe) in these physical activities you agree to the following:

  • You are participating in a Health and Fitness Program or Workshop offered by the Deerfield Public Library during which you will receive information and instruction about health and fitness. You recognize that fitness programs require physical exertion and may cause physical injury and are fully aware of the risks and hazards involved.
  • You understand that it is your responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding participation in Health and Fitness Programs or Workshops. You represent and warrant that you are physically fit and have no medical conditions that would prevent you from your full participation in this program.
  • You agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which you might incur as a result of participating in this program.
  • You voluntarily waive any claim you might have against Deerfield Public Library for injury or damages you might sustain as a result of participating in this program.
  • You and your heirs or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Deerfield Public Library for any injury or death caused by their negligence or other acts.

Rev. 6-9-10


The purpose of the facilities of the Deerfield Public Library is to provide a safe and welcoming environment that encourages the use of Library services and materials to the fullest extent, and for the necessary administrative and support activities required to fulfill the mission of the Library.

Nature of Policy

Persons on the premises of the Deerfield Public Library, attending off site library sponsored events, or virtual environment (including telephone, chat, or electronic communication) accept the responsibility for conducting themselves in a manner that does not interfere with that purpose. To support this purpose, the Library Board of Trustees has adopted the following rules and regulations.

Patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a manner respectful of themselves and others. Behavior that violates this policy may result in intervention by staff members. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Interfering with another person’s ability to use the facilities or services or with Library employees’ performance of their duties. Interference includes behavior that is deliberately intrusive, intimidating, hostile, or offensive, or that demands the attention or monopolizes the time of a staff member. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to: following, interrupting, staring at, or spying on any patron or staff member.
  2. Damaging, mutilating, or removing from the premises without authorization any part of the library collection, building, furnishings, equipment, or supplies, or using any in a manner that is inconsistent with customary use.
  3. Altering any computer system hardware or software configurations. Patrons shall adhere to the Library’s Public WorkStation Registration and Use Policy, Social Networking Policy and all applicable Federal, State, or local laws, ordinances or regulations.
  4. Making excessive noise or playing audio equipment so others can hear it. 
  5. Using abusive or threatening language. 
  6. Using matches, lighters, or other means of ignition, illegal substances or alcoholic beverages on Library premises. Smoking is not permitted in the building or within 25 feet of the building entrances, including the use of electronic cigarettes or other smoking-simulation devices.
  7. Eating in the building, unless the food is served as part of a Library program or approved meeting, and/or eaten in a designated eating area. Any beverage consumed outside of these programs or meetings must be in a lidded or spill proof container
  8. Entering the building without a shirt or other appropriate covering on the body or without shoes or other footwear.
  9. Creating a nuisance to other patrons or staff with offensive bodily hygiene or use of scented products.
  10. Leaving personal belongings in spaces where they interfere with patrons’ and staff members’ ability to use library collections, furnishings or equipment or to move safely and freely throughout the premises. Patrons shall not leave personal belongings unattended.
  11. Using the building’s restrooms inappropriately. Examples include, but are not limited to, use as laundry facilities, bathing facilities, or gathering places.
  12. Using bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, or the rolling function of roller shoes anywhere on Library premises.
  13. Leaving children in need of supervision unattended on the premises. Specifically:
    1. Children 8 years of age and younger must be accompanied by a caregiver at all times. 
    2. Children between the ages of 9 and 12 must be picked up prior to Library closing time. Any child age 12 or younger left unattended after the Library closes may be placed in police custody for his or her safety. 
    3. See the Unattended Children Policy for more information. 
  14. Bringing any animal into the Library, other than a registered service animal, or as approved for participation in Library sanctioned activities.
  15. Soliciting or panhandling on Library premises, including but not limited to, approaching library users or staff members to request money, food, or other donations. (See the Petitioning, Leafleting, and Soliciting policy for more information.)
  16. Bringing onto the premises any dangerous weapon. Dangerous weapons include, but are not limited to, the weapons set forth and defined in Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 720, section 5/24.1 et. seq. and as prohibited by 430 ILCS 66 regarding Firearm Concealed Carry.
  17. Fighting of any type. 
  18. Engaging in any illegal act or conduct in violation of Federal, State, or local law, ordinance or regulation.
  19. Disregarding the reasonable direction of a Library staff member. This includes, but is not limited to, remaining in the library past regular operating hours or when circumstances dictate evacuation, i.e. power failure, fire, threatening weather, or similar situation.
  20. Being present in Library offices, lounges, storage areas, or other non-public areas while unaccompanied by a Library staff member or without prior agreement with Library management.
  21.  Any and all other behavior that is contrary to the intended purposes of the Library. 
  22. Permission is not required for taking photographs or videos in public areas of the library building for personal, noncommercial use. Persons taking photographs and videos shall not (i) compromise a patron or staff member’s ability to reasonably utilize library services right to privacy, (ii) harass, intimidate, or threaten a patron or staff member, or (iii) block library aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors, or exits.

Action by Staff

Library staff may address any of these behaviors in the following ways: 

  1. Verbal warning to cease the behavior or actions
  2. Directing the patron to leave the premises
  3. Involving the police


The Library is not necessarily required to go through the entire intervention process. Intervention may begin at any step, including immediate involvement of the police, depending upon the severity of the incident or behavior.

Extreme or repeated violation of this policy may result in a suspension of Library privileges. The Illinois compiled statutes, Chapter 75, Paragraph 5/4-7, permit the Board of Library Trustees to “exclude from use of the library any person who willfully violates the rules prescribed by the board.” Any patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees may, at its discretion, designate a hearing officer to make a finding of fact and recommendations in connection with such review.

Approved April 14, 2010
Revised August and October 2013
Rev. after Pol Comm November 25, 2013
Approved by Board on December 18, 2013
Revised April 15, 2015
Revised November 16, 2022
Revised August 21, 2024

Petitioning and Leafleting

The Deerfield Public Library recognizes the presentation of petitions and the distribution of literature by individuals and groups is a fundamental right, protected by the First Amendment.   The Library also upholds the rights of its patrons and employees to enter and leave the Library safely, without being impeded or unduly hindered.

As a result, the Library limits the above activities to noncommercial speech outside the library on library sidewalks or near the library entrance.  Any blocking or interference of cars or library patrons will not be permitted. Further, library staff reserves the right to suspend any of the above activities if they otherwise violate library policies.  Please contact the Library Director for more information.


No commercial solicitation is permitted in the Library or anywhere on Library property at any time.

Only the Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, a 501(c)3 organization formed to support the Deerfield Public Library, is allowed to engage in fundraising activities in the Library or on Library grounds.  No other fundraising for civic, political, welfare, youth or other groups, charities or causes, including raising money through the sale of goods or food, is permitted in the Library or anywhere on Library property at any time.


Re-approved 4/15/2015

Revised & approved 5/15/2019

The regular meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Deerfield Public Library are open to members of the public. Members of the public have a right to speak at all meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Deerfield Public Library. At each regular and special open meeting, the members of the public may comment on matters relevant to Library Board operations, subject to reasonable constraints.

  1. Members of the public may address the Board only at the appropriate times as indicated on the agenda and when recognized by the Board President.
  2. Comments by members of the public are limited to three minutes per speaker, on a first come, first served basis. The President has the authority to oversee the orderly conduct of comments of the public, including but not limited to, extending the time limit for or order of the speakers.
  3. There will be no more than 30 minutes for public comment, except with consent of the Board.
  4. ​Individuals are expected to identify themselves by full name or initials for purposes of determining the order of speakers but shall not have to identify themselves during their public comment.
  5. Public comments must pertain to an item on the agenda or to an issue that is relevant to the Board’s work. The President of the Board of Trustees retains the right to stop any speaker who raises issues that are not on the agenda or are not germane to the duties of the Library.
  6. Petitions or written correspondence to the Board shall be presented to the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
  7. The President shall have the authority to determine reasonable procedures regarding public participation not otherwise defined in Board policy.

Adopted February 15, 2017
Approved August 21, 2024

The Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing rules to maintain security and safety for members of the public and Library employees. As part of that responsibility, the Board has installed security cameras throughout the Library facility and grounds. This policy serves to regulate the use of security cameras to observe and record public areas on the premises of the Deerfield Public Library.

  1. Video recording cameras will be used in public spaces or library locations to discourage criminal activity and violations of the Library’s Patron Behavior Policy. Audio recordings will not be made.
  2. Cameras may be installed in public locations within and outside the Library, including common spaces such as entrances, near book and media collections, public seating areas, and parking lots. Cameras will not be installed in areas where library users or staff members have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms or employee break rooms.
  3. Signs will be posted at the entrances informing the public and staff that security cameras are in use.
  4. The Library reaffirms its support for Article III of the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics, which states that librarians “shall protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received, and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired, or transmitted”.

Use/Disclosure of Video Records

  1. Persons with authorized access to the security cameras system shall be limited to: The Library Director and Head of IT. The Library Director can authorize access for other staff members.
  2. The Head of IT, in consultation with the Library Director, will review all requests received by the Library to release recordings or images obtained by means of security cameras. Video recordings and images obtained through security cameras will be released, or disclosure will be declined, in accordance with applicable laws under exigent circumstances, or in response to a search warrant or court order. An exigent circumstance is defined as an urgent situation requiring swift investigation and action to prevent imminent danger to life or serious damage to property, or to forestall the imminent escape of a suspect, or destruction of evidence.
  3. Images captured by security cameras may be shared with the Library’s insurance representatives when relevant to an insurance claim investigation. No release of camera recordings or images will occur without prior authorization of the Library Director.
  4. Recorded video will ordinarily be retained for a period of no more than 30 days and will then be erased, unless retained as part of a criminal investigation or court proceedings (criminal or civil), or other use as approved by the Library Director.

Unauthorized Access/Disclosure

Confidentiality and privacy issues prohibit the general public from viewing security camera footage that contains personally identifiable information about library users. If the library receives a request from the general public to inspect library security camera footage, they will be advised to file a police report.

Approved August 21, 2024

Comments containing any of the following content will not be permitted on the Deerfield Public Library social media sites and are subject to removal and/or restriction by the administrator of this site or his/her designees:

  1. Obscene, sexual, or pornographic content and/or language
  2. Content that promotes discrimination on the basis of race, age, religion, gender, or other protected class
  3. Content that violates a legal ownership interest (copyright or trademark)
  4. Threats to any person
  5. Conduct that violates any federal, state, or local law or encourages illegal activity
  6. Promotion of any commercial activities not related to Deerfield Public Library business
  7. Spam or links to malware/viruses
  8. Content that advocates or promotes a candidate, referendum, or campaign

A comment posted by a member of the public on any Deerfield Public Library social media site is the opinion of the poster only, and publication of a comment does not imply endorsement of, or agreement by, the Deerfield Public Library, nor do the comments necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Deerfield Public Library.

The Deerfield Public Library reserves the right to deny access to Deerfield Public Library social media sites for any individual who repeatedly violates the Deerfield Public Library social media policy, at any time and without prior notice.

All comments posted to any Deerfield Public Library social site are bound by the social media platform’s terms of use and the Deerfield Public Library reserves the right to report any violation of the platform’s terms of use to the platform.

Users who enter private or personal information on Deerfield Public Library social media sites do so at their own risk, and the Derfield Public Library is not responsible for any damages resulting from the public display of, or failure to remove, private or personal information. Content posted on the Deerfield Public Library social media sites may be subject to disclosure under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. This policy and terms of use may be amended from time-to-time, without further notice.

Reviewed and approved April 15, 2015
Revised August 21, 2024

Deerfield Public Library
Study Room Policy

There are eight study rooms available for private study or small groups. Two are located in the Youth Services department and six are located in the Adult Services department. The rooms are free of charge. Three study rooms accommodate two patrons, four rooms accommodate four patrons, and one room accommodates up to six patrons. The Deerfield Public Library is happy to provide these spaces to the public and all are welcome to use them in accordance with the following standards.

Rules of Use

  1. Study rooms can be reserved at the Youth or Adult Service desks.  
  2. The study rooms are available on a first come, first served basis.
  3. There is a two hour time limit on the study rooms. Patrons who arrive after the rooms are filled may place their name on a waiting list and will be notified when a room is available. If there are no patrons waiting for available rooms, occupants are invited to use the room beyond the two hour allotment.
  4. The study rooms are for the purposes of quiet study and discussion. The study rooms are intended for use by up to a number of people not to exceed each room’s seating capacity. The room seating capacity is a fire code requirement and will be enforced.
  5. Furniture may not be brought into or removed from a study room without approval from staff.
  6. Food is not permitted in the study rooms. Beverages must be in a lidded or spill proof container.
  7. Study rooms are covered by policy regarding unattended children. Children under the age of nine may not utilize rooms without an adult.
  8. Study room users must keep noise levels to a minimum so as not to disrupt other Library users. If the noise level becomes disruptive to others, the study room occupants may be asked to vacate the room.
  9. The Library will not provide storage for patrons using the study rooms.    
    1. Patrons may not leave their possessions in a study room during their reservation time to get lunch, run an errand, or leave the building for any other reason.  
    2. Patrons who leave the room unattended for more than 15 minutes will forfeit their room.  
    3. Items left behind will be placed in the Library’s lost and found.
    4. Patrons may leave the study rooms to find Library materials or seek assistance from Library staff. However, the Library does not assume responsibility for the security of private materials or equipment.   
  10. Study rooms are available until 10 minutes before the Library closes.
  11. Patrons who use the study rooms are expected to leave the rooms in their original order, free of trash. 
  12. Failure to abide by the policies and rules established for study rooms will result in suspension or termination of an individual’s study room privileges.

Approved March 18, 2015
Revised September 2019
Revised August 24, 2023
Revised August 21, 2024

In support of its mission to encourage lifelong learning and personal growth in a welcoming environment, the Library permits tutoring on the premises in accordance with this policy. 

The intention is not for the Library to be used as a classroom or place of business for tutors to work from, but as a safe and quiet workspace for students to receive instruction. The Library does not sponsor, recommend, or assume liability or responsibility for the work and/or activities of tutors who use Library space.

Tutors, students, and parents are expected to observe the following guidelines:

  • All arrangements must be made between the tutor, student, and parents. Library staff will not deliver messages or help find a tutor.
  • Tutors are encouraged to use the study rooms on the main and lower levels. Study rooms must be reserved at one of the public service desks, and tutors, students, and parents must abide by the Study Room Policy.
  • The Youth Services Department is intended for the use of children ages birth through 12th grade and their parents or caregivers. Students and tutors may use the study tables in Youth Services; however tables can neither be reserved nor can the expectation be made that others will be asked to move to accommodate a tutoring session.
  • The Preschool Pavilion on the main level, and the Quiet Area on the lower level should not be used for tutoring sessions.
  • Tutors are permitted to use the Library during any of its hours of operation. Tutors and students must bring their own supplies.
  • If tutors offer food or treats as an incentive or reward, it must be consumed only in designated areas of the Library.
  • Tutors may not publish or distribute advertisements or letters indicating the Library as their place of doing business or otherwise imply Library sponsorship of their activities. Tutors may not advertise their business in the Library.
  • Library staff are happy to assist tutors and their students as they would any patron; however, Library staff must be available to all people who come into the library for help.
  • Tutors are responsible for the behavior of their students during the session. It is preferred that the caregiver of children under nine years old remain in the Library while their child is being tutored.
  • Tutors and students must follow the Library Patron Behavior Policy, including ensuring that conversations and instruction are not loud enough to distract other library users.
  • Additionally, tutor and student belongings and use of the space should not interfere with easy access through the Library or other Library users. Students and tutors must be in possession of their belongings at all times.

Approved June 19, 2013
Revised March 18, 2015
Revised August 24, 2023

The Deerfield Public Library strives to provide a welcoming and safe environment for all visitors. 

While the Library is especially concerned for the safety of children and vulnerable adults on Library property, the Library does not act in loco parentis (in place of parents), and Library staff are unable to provide parental-type oversight or guidance to children or vulnerable adults. A parent, legal guardian, teacher, custodian, or caregiver is responsible for monitoring the activities and managing the behavior of children and vulnerable adults during their library visits. 

A vulnerable adult is defined as someone who reasonably appears  functionally, mentally, or physically unable to care for themselves and should not be left alone in the Library including at programs. This includes adults who need staff help beyond assistance with normal Library services. 

Staff cannot assist with tasks related to personal care.

Children eight years of age and younger must be accompanied and directly supervised at all times by a parent or other responsible caregiver. The responsible caregiver must be at least 12 years old. Older children are welcome to use the Library independently, however, responsibility for minors using the Library rests with the parent/guardian. Children are subject to Library rules and policies regarding behavior.

Some Library programs require the caregiver to accompany the child during the program. For all other Library programs, caregivers of children eight years of age and younger must remain in the Library and readily available.  

The Deerfield Public Library staff is committed to helping patrons with activities related to the Library. However, staff cannot, nor is it their responsibility to serve as babysitters, teachers, or disciplinarians. 

The Library is an open, public building, and the well-being and safety of young children left alone or unattended is a serious concern. During Library hours, when the safety of an unattended child or vulnerable adult is in doubt, Library staff will attempt to contact the caregiver before calling 911. In the case of an immediate safety concern, staff will contact 911 immediately, and then attempt to contact the caregiver. Staff will stay with the person until help arrives.

In the event that a child under the age of 13 or a vulnerable adult is still at the Library after the Library closes to the public, the Person In Charge and at least one other staff member will wait up to 15 minutes before contacting 911. For their protection, children under the age of 13 and vulnerable adults not picked-up 15 minutes after the Library closes, will be placed in police custody for their protection. Attempts will be made during that 15 minutes to reach a caregiver or parent, but in no instance will staff take anyone home. If at any time staff are concerned for the safety of the child or vulnerable adult, they will contact 911 immediately.

Revised November 20, 2019
Revised August 24, 2023

The Deerfield Public Library prohibits the carrying of any weapon, as set forth and defined in ILCS 720 5/24.1, whether openly, concealed or partially concealed, in the library building or on library property. In conformance with State Statute, the Library will post at all entrances to the building, driveways, and parking areas of the Library the required signs as approved by the State Police. Any violators will be reported to law enforcement and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Approved by the Library Board December 18, 2013
Reviewed and approved April 15, 2015

Deerfield Public Library

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