Effective September 1, 2021, nearly all physical items in the Deerfield Public Library will check out for three weeks. Yes! Even the most current copies of movies will now be available for a three-week checkout.
Staff periodically review our policies to ensure that we are continuing to provide our DPL patrons with the best service we can. We recognized that people’s habits have changed and we are all looking for ways to make our lives a little easier. Having a uniform checkout for almost all materials is one such way!
In addition, we have increased access for our youngest patrons. We have removed the age restriction for juvenile cards. The parent knows best when their child is ready to get their library card and is ultimately responsible for the materials checked out by a juvenile.
We have removed the video and video game restrictions on new juvenile card applications. DPL upholds the ALA Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read, and Freedom to View statements. The parent knows best what materials are appropriate for their child.
We hope that by removing these barriers, our community will have greater access to the collection.