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The library is open today from 9am - 9pm

Virtual Resources: Teen Edition

If you’re a teen I know you’re currently practicing some online schooling, but whether you want to enhance some of that studying or just need a distraction for a moment, check out the below links for suggestions. Hang in there with these recommendations for educational and creative ways to stay busy. We hope you stay safe and healthy! 

Resources from the Library

First and foremost, check out the Teen section of the Library’s website for links to homework help sites and the just for fun “best of the web.”

If you have a library card, don’t forget that you have access to tons of e-books and e-audiobooks through both Hoopla (AKA Netflix for libraries) and OverDrive. We also offer access to the awesome database Kanopy, which allows you to watch a bunch of cinematic movies for free! 

One of the Library’s newest databases, Creativebug, will give you access to thousands of art and craft video classes that are taught by experts! All you need is your Deerfield library card! 

What to do on the web

Check out the Scholastic site for some really interesting and diverse learning topics and tools 

Take a virtual tour of some truly amazing museums around the world, in addition to getting up close and virtually personal with famous artwork

Interested in Ted talks, or do you want to create one of your own? Check out this student-specific section of the Ted Talks website for access to both! You can search by subject or theme, and there are endless talks on all sorts of fascinating topics. 

Check out Teen Ink for access to poetry, art, essays, fiction, and nonfiction created entirely by Teens. 

Last but not least, for some local culture don’t forget to take a look at the social media apps of popular Chicago museums! The Shedd Aquarium has tons of fun and informative videos on their Facebook and Instagram page of animal feedings and care, and the Field Museum has all sorts of info on their website about virtual recommendations.

Have questions or need help? Contact our teen librarian at

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